(Pre-Intermediate) Over My Dead Body!0
Выпуск 9
добавлен 24.04.14 22:06
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Dialogue: — Sally, get into the car, we will be late. — Could we wait a bit? Rose said she would come over. I haven’t seen her for ages. I miss her. — Is she your old friend who is a chain smoker and never admits she stole my wallet last year? No, we’re not going to see her. Over my dead body. — I see what you mean. Yes, she has some issues and suffers from tobacco addiction, but she doesn’t do it on purpose! And last month she managed to find a good job. And you should hold grudge against her. She means well! — I am running out of patience. Go ahead and stay but I am leaving. But you have to keep an eye on her. She might steal your wallet too! Learn English with LINGVISTOV.RU
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Выходит с 17 апреля 2014 года Подкастов: 14 Подписчиков: Последняя запись: 11 июня 2014 года |