Cats in Underwear0 ![]() ![]()
Выпуск 14
добавлен 25.02.13 14:33
— How you can ruin your pet’s self-esteem with a haircut
— Asya’s new passion: TV series about women in prison, weird English accents and Landysh’s love for anything Scottish — The saddest map of America: where do Americans spy love? Walmart and buses, yay! — Where do you meet people? The Internet, nightclubs, cafes and speed dates — A final tweet from Pope Benedict XVI and an iPhone app from the Catholic church — Apple smart watch concept and what happens when Landysh loses ability to read properly — Why girls like wearing men’s watches: cool and useful! — Esquire’s list of 75 things a man must do — we’re puzzled... — Shoplifting: Asya’s confession. Don’t make her mistakes! Play cool. — Yandex Maps destroys marriages: jealous women and why honesty is the best policy — New features on our website: books, audiobooks, blog and doodles ссылка
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обращений: 97
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Выходит с 20 ноября 2012 года Подкастов: 79 Подписчиков: Последняя запись: 6 сентября 2014 года |